👀 You Won't Believe Who's Copying Our Case Study...

I was scrolling through Facebook when I spotted a familiar-looking page. At first, I was annoyed, but then..

Happy Monday, Futurepreneurs! Welcome to AI Side Hustler, a newsletter for people who want to learn how to make money using new AI technologies.

Every week, we'll explore new strategies, share insider tips, and uncover the latest AI tools that can help you boost your income.

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In This Week’s Issue of AI SIde Hustler:

  • Learn How to Generate Listicles in 60 Seconds…or Less

  • Our Case Study Has a Copycat (And Why I'm Thrilled)

  • How Anyone Can Schedule a Month’s Worth of Pins in Minutes

  • The Ambitious Plan to 10x My Blog’s Income

  • Discover the AI Tools I'm Using to Boost My Bottom Line

Let's go ahead and get after it.


🔗 My Favorite Finds


👀 A Case Study Doppelgänger in the Wild

Well, well, well... looks like one of you has been busy putting our case study into action!

While scrolling through my Facebook feed, I came across another tattoo page that looked strikingly familiar. In fact, much of it was nearly identical to our case study page.

My first instinct was to be a little ticked off.

They had simply taken our highest-performing images, used them as seeds in Midjourney, and generated their own "closely inspired" versions. Creativity, apparently, is not their strong suit.

But then my perspective shifted and I started to feel a different emotion.

I felt…proud.

After all, the whole point of this case study was for people to follow along and take action. And that's exactly what this reader did.

In my experience, many people get trapped in a cycle of merely reading about others' online success without taking that crucial first step themselves.

Some, I dare say, become almost addicted to watching others make the money they should be making. They'd rather cheer from the sidelines than step onto the field.

So, to whichever reader created this copycat page: well done! You've taken action where many others haven't.

And you can be sure I'm keeping a close eye on that page. Who knows? I might just "borrow" any successful content they put out.

Fair's fair, after all. 😉

🤖 Case Study #2 Update

Remember in the last issue when I mentioned updating all 118 Monetized Future blog posts with AI images before automating the Pinterest account? Well, the game just changed…

Early this week, Nic Polotnianko dropped a major update to BlogtoPin that's a real game-changer. Users can now upload (or create) AI images to a library for pin covers. Talk about perfect timing!

This update saved me from the mind-numbing task of manually uploading AI images to each post. Countless hours of potential boredom? Poof! Gone.

And here's the kicker: I've now got a full month of pins scheduled for Monetized Future! BlogtoPin made it ridiculously easy. If you've got a website, I highly recommend giving it a shot.

I'm starting with 10 pins per day. It's an aged Pinterest account, but it's been dormant for over a year. Don't want to set off any spam alarms by going too hard, too fast. Plus, my current content count doesn't quite justify more pins than that... yet.

Which brings us to the next exciting phase of this case study...

It's time to supercharge Monetized Future with Pinterest-friendly content. And I mean lots of it!

The goal? Add at least 200 posts to the site in the next few months. Ambitious? Maybe. Doable? Absolutely!

To pull this off, we're bringing in the big guns:

  1. TopicalMap AI for a rock-solid content plan

  2. A dynamic duo of Claude and Cuppa for content generation

I'm buzzing with excitement, and when that happens, I move fast! So keep your eyes peeled on this case study.

Things are about to get interesting!


📈 Trending AI Tools

1/ Kolors - AI Virtual Try-On Technology

2/ MiniMAX - New AI Video Generator (Chinese)

🧰 My AI Toolbox

1/ Cuppa - Inexpensive AI content at Scale

2/ Topical Map AI - Build AI Topical Maps for Niche Site/Blog

3/ Invideo - AI Video Creation Tool

4/ Opus Clip - Use AI to Repurpose Longform Video for Socials


👨🏻‍💻 Bad Habit Breaker

Create a detailed 30-day plan to transform [INSERT BAD HABIT] into a positive habit. Design daily tasks, set weekly milestones, anticipate potential obstacles, and develop strategies to overcome them. Your challenge should be adaptable for people with different lifestyles and motivations, focusing on gradual, sustainable change.

👋 That’s All For Today

Thanks for reading. Until next time, keep innovating and hustling!

💬 Let’s Connect

How are your AI side hustles going? Hit reply and let me know your biggest win or challenge this week. I read every email!