A Brand New Case Study

Help me pick an AI side hustle.

Happy Monday! Welcome to the first edition of AI Side Hustler, a newsletter for people who want to learn how to make money using new AI technologies.

Moving forward, you can expect AI Side Hustler to hit your inbox every week around this time.

In This Week’s Issue of AI SIde Hustler:

  • Blueprint to Starting a Niche Site from Scratch Using AI Tools

  • Learn how to create a money-making AI model in 60 seconds

  • A Facebook Fan Page Quickly Gets to $1K Per Month

  • Would You Like to Help Me Choose a Case Study?

  • AI Tools that Can Help You Make More Money

Let's go ahead and get after it!


🔗 My Favorite Finds

  • Charles Floate gives a step-by-step blueprint for how to use AI to build a niche site from scratch (Twitter)

  • Pinterest debuts Canvas AI image discovery (VentureBeat)

  • Ian goes into extreme detail about how he used ChatGPT to code an online tool (Twitter)

  • Learn how to create an AI model in 60 seconds that you can use to make money on social media (Twitter)


💻 My Story

Since this is the first edition of AI Side Hustler (thank you for being one of its early adopters👏) I want to provide some background on my online income journey to this point.

So, as many of you who follow me (Twitter) may know, my name is James Lee and I’ve been making money online for almost a decade now. However, my first real success came when I started building niche blogs in 2018.

By 2019, I was earning enough to quit my bartending job (enough for my wife to quit her job too).

Soon after that, I started selling courses to help teach others what I had learned along the way (Affiliate Site Empire/Freedom) and made over $50,000 in a relatively short period of time.

In late 2022, I decided it was time to diversify my online income a bit, so I sold my highest-earning niche site on Empire Flippers for $310,000.

At the time, it felt like a life-changing sum of money (even after the US govt took their piece and Empire Flippers held onto 15% for their efforts). All in all, in just a few years, I made well over $600,000 in net profit from this one website.

Because of this windfall, I rested on my laurels for a bit. Actually, allow me to rephrase that for greater accuracy…I got lazy as F@CK.

But now I’m hungry again. I’m searching for my next colossal win…and I’m banking that AI will help me get it.

💪 What I’m Working On Now…

I have my personal brand blog (Monetized Future), which currently makes around $5k per month from a combination of affiliate commissions and brand deals.

I also have a handful of other side projects that combined make another $5k per month.

One of those projects is a Facebook Page I recently started that makes $1k+ monthly from the Facebook Performance Bonus program (s/o Andy Skraga and Hasib Alic). In an upcoming edition of this newsletter, I’ll explain exactly how I got it to this point and how I plan to use AI to scale it to the moon.

So all-in-all, I’m doing OK for myself, but I also feel like I’d be missing a massive opportunity if I didn’t leverage AI at scale to get rich. Right this very second, there’s some 16-year-old using AI to make $1k+ today.

When I was 16 I made $4.35 per hour bagging groceries at the local supermarket. How times have changed…

But it puts everything into perspective as well.

There’s no reason that you or I can’t make that type of money each day. The only thing holding us back is some combination of knowledge, effort, and execution.

It’s there for us to take. We just have to take it.

📖 Let’s Start a Case Study Together!

The main reason I started this weekly newsletter was to let you follow along as I build new income streams using AI.

So….it’s only fitting that you get to weigh in on the AI side hustle you’d like to see me tackle first!

As this newsletter grows, the plan is to start multiple AI side hustles and run several different cases simultaneously.

But to kick this thing off…I need you to reply with the live case study idea that interests you most.

 Here are the choices:

  1. Build a niche site (AI Research/Content)

  2. Facebook Theme Page (AI Images)

  3. TikTok Affiliate (AI Slideshows)

  4. Faceless Channel (AI Images & Voices)

  5. Build an online tool site (AI Coding)

Your reply can be as simple as sending me the number (e.g. #2), or you can go more in-depth with your answer (or even recommend a different AI side hustle).

I’ll reveal the winner in next week’s newsletter!


📈 Trending AI Tools

1/ Gling AI - AI YouTube Video Editor

2/ Apob AI - Create AI Models for Social Media

🧰 My AI Toolbox

1/ Cuppa - Inexpensive AI content at Scale

2/ Topical Map AI - Build AI Topical Maps for Niche Site/Blog

3/ Invideo - AI Video Creation Tool

4/ Opus Clip - Use AI to Repurpose Longform Video for Socials

👋 That’s all for today

Thanks for reading, and I’ll see you next week!

💌 Let me know what you liked or disliked about this first edition by replying directly to this email.